We are NVAnnualReport.com™ and we are the experts in filing your Nevada Annual Report electronically.
![Really fast and easy to use!](images/siteskin/homepage_fasteasy_text.png)
We have filed over 10,000 annual reports for our customers. When you use our online filing system, we file your Nevada Annual Report directly with the Nevada Secretary of State and you will generally receive your File-Stamped Annual Report document via email in as little as 30 seconds after your order has been submitted. Also, you will also be able to access copies of your filed Nevada Annual Reports any time after your order is processed!
If you have questions about filing a Nevada Annual Report, please ask.
![Don't Miss Your Filing Deadline!](images/siteskin/homepage_deadline_text.png)
By Nevada state law (Nevada Revised Statutes Section 78.150; NRS 78.150) all Nevada Corporations and LLCs are required to file an "Annual List" at the end of the month following the month that your business entity was formed. Then, every year on the anniversary date of your formation a new Annual List must be filed.
* plus applicable state filing fees